New Kids on the Block

There are symbols of rest and restoration everywhere like carrots hanging on a stick - on our screens, advertised in magazines, curated on Instagram, the image of a peaceful living room advertised in Kinfolk, but we can’t quite grasp this concept for our everyday life.

There is a constant longing in our souls to experience relaxation and peace, but it’s hard to find time to implement self-prioritization in our daily schedule.

Breathe Bar is a special space to build sustainable and foundational energy that does not result in an inevitable crash. Instead,  a newfound sense of energy unlocks the potential that is accessed through the power of rest and subtle forms of self-care and ignites a revolution in your soul.  

We value the rhythms of connection, peace, and meaning over a frantic, exhausted, and rushed way of living.

We invite you, the community, to take a step towards self-prioritization. Everything we do is informed by scientific research, medical expertise and the desire to improve your overall health and wellness. Our craft is centered around enlivening four vital processes within the body: Respiration, Circulation, Hydration and Rest. When you incorporate Breathe Bar into your routine, your body will be better prepared to take on the myriad pressures and stresses of living in the 21st century.

We have intentionally landed in Midtown, the center of the movement, hustle, and busyness of Reno, NV.

In the midst of the exciting nightlife, rising businesses, and constant movement, we developed a space to press PAUSE- an accessible and efficient way to implement this feeling of stillness and rest into your daily routine.

While there is nothing wrong with moving from one thing to next, we believe that implementing healthy routines will develop a rhythm of peace into our everyday lives instead of the ongoing beat of restlessness. We are constantly rushing to live life without slowing down. Together lets delight in the fullness of life and the world surrounding us. Let’s breathe.


Amy burkett

Visionary of Breathe Bar in Reno, NV

“Breathe Bar is my dream come true. After 16 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist, I wanted to create a place where anyone could go to unplug from their life and nurture themselves. To take a moment and close their eyes in the middle of the day. Replenish yourself with mindful rest. A moment to stop, and breathe.”

Mabble Media