welcome to studio yin

yin-flow yoga, meditation & breath work

because its time for mindful movement and restorative relaxation


instructors, classes, pricing and class times…


9am mellow flow w/ jillian

The perfect Yoga Flow Class.

530pm reiki yin w/ tara

Gentle yoga poses combined with Reiki offering.

645pm intro to breath work w/ bianca

Practice intentional breathing techniques.


730am gentle morning flow w/ nette & judy (alternate every other week)

A yin-inspired flow that focuses on gentle movements to unite breath and energy flow.

9am flow state w/ dawn

Start your day with a mindful flow practice followed by Yin Yoga.

530pm sloga ‘sloth on yogi’

Slow Yoga with long holding poses we can release tension and pain while becoming one with your body.

645pm breath flow w/ bianca

An immersive group experience through intensive breathing.


8am healing somatic meditation w/ justine

This meditation class will explore somatic techniques to help release stagnate emotions/stress/trauma stored in the body

630pm surrender practice w/ tara

Gentle yoga poses with emphasis into surrendering body, mind & spirit.


730am gentle morning flow w/ nette & judy (alternate every other week)

A yin-inspired flow that focuses on gentle movements to unite breath and energy flow.

530pm happin yin w/ amanda

Slow Hatha Yoga poses followed by traditional Yin Yoga


12noon myofascial mobility w/ jillian

Hands on myofascial release and self care Yoga class


9am Saturday flow w/ sienna

Flow with your breath in a gently heated room to provide a deeper mind-body connection. The perfect start to your weekend!


5pm sunday serenity meditation & yin w/ tara

Yin Yoga followed by mindful meditation to set intention to our week.

class price: $22